Saturday, December 20, 2008

"These Few Presidents Frowning in My Pocket" - an '08 Music List

In no particular order, here is what I really liked listening to in 2008!

1 Why? - Alopecia
2 Horse Feathers - House with No Home*
3 Spiritualized - Songs in A&E
4 Bound Stems - The Family Afloat
5 Magnetic Fields - Distortion
6 Marnie Stern - This is it and I am it.... (really long title)
7 No Age - Nouns
8 Damien Jurado - Caught in the Trees
9 Breeders - Mountain Battles
10 Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight

And my favorite 2008 albums from bands in Portland, Oregon (my brand new hometown):

1 Au - Verbs
2 Parenthetical Girls - Entanglements
3 Blitzen Trapper - Furr
4 Starfucker - Starfucker
5 Shaky Hands - Lunglight

*(obviously, Horse Feathers fits into both categories)

Feel free to make recommendations; my ears are always open!

**DISCLAIMER-This list in no way represents the opinions of one Garrett Simpson and was made without his knowledge or participation.-DISCLAIMER**


Kevin Wilder said...

That's me!

Album of the Year, according to two friends, and probably almost no one else.

G-Metal, Coco, Angel Face and Bunny said...

Seriously I feel so lame that I've not even heard of ANY of these bands... but you have forgotten some of the REAL 2008 classics: Lollipop- Lil Wayne; Touch My Body- Mariah Carey; Independant- Webbie; No Air- Jordan Sparks.

Now go, go update your list...